Work with me!

I am passionate and driven by what I do.

Having a broad skillset of journalistic experience I am very happy to discuss writing commissions, appearances, and interviews across a variety of media

If you share this enthusiasm and would like to find out more about working with me then use the link or connect via the contact page.





I am a regular columnist for the Byline Times, run by a small, dedicated team of journalists providing a platform for freelance reporters and writers to produce fearless journalism not found in the mainstream media.



I was a regular blogger and short story contributor for Disability Arts Online for many years. The platform was leading edge in providing a space to discuss, debate and raise the visibility of the disability experience.


I feel privileged to have written several articles for The Guardian. It has provided me with an international platform for disability issues. The more that people listen and take a stand, the sooner we will see change.



Contributor to the Huffpost UK commenting and writing on disability-related issues and related current affairs such as access, the challenges of eco-activism for the disabled and discrimination.


What People Are Saying


Penny Pepper is a force of nature! She brings a unique and much-needed voice to both the mainstream and disability arts worlds. Penny has managed to have a mainstream presence whilst keeping her credibility and kudos within the disability community. Her articles in the Guardian are a welcome relief from tide of ableist nonsense in the mainstream press – often from well-meaning, but ill-informed journalists. The importance of having a proper disability perspective, informed by a political and cultural disability identity on such a platform cannot be underestimated, and I’m certain Penny is a role model for many aspiring writers, both disabled and non-disabled. Penny’s poetry is acerbic, funny and at times hard-hitting. All of us at Disability Arts Online value her contribution to our organisation and the wider movement.

-Joe Turnbull, Assistant Editor, Disability Arts Online